How to prepare your home for moving in

How to prepare your home for moving in

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Congratulations! If you have decided to take the huge step and are finally able to afford it, we guess that you are thrilled about your local move! We are sure that this is the home that checks all your boxes and where you will have a perfect new life. However, as local movers, we know that when organizing a move, you have got a lot of work to do – develop elaborate plans, complete important chores, find local movers, make extensive preparations, etc. Each of these tasks requires a lot of care and attention, as overlooking any little detail may result in major setbacks and lots of troubles.

Buckets of paint on the floor, moving in

That is why finding the perfect home is only one of the many steps that you should take if you want to have a smooth and efficient relocation. To successfully organize every single aspect of the moving process and make sure that nothing falls through the cracks, your local movers advise you to prepare really well for your relocation – prepare an effective moving strategy, prepare your belongings for shipment, prepare your home for local movers, prepare yourself for the big change in your life, etc.

Among all the essential things to take care of prior to a relocation, preparing your new home for moving in is probably one of the most important things that you need to take care of and pay attention to. As local movers, we have witnessed many situations where even though the whole process of relocation went perfectly, coming to a new place that was not inspected well in advance, prevented us from finishing the relocation properly and families were in quite an enviable position. That is why as local movers we insist that you prepare your new home properly, so you can start your new life on the right foot. If you do it right, you will not only ensure a smooth and trouble-free relocation process but will also be able to commit to building up your life, getting to know the neighborhood, making sure that you fit in well, and have peace of mind that you dreamt about. 

Make a checklist

making a checklist

This is the ultimate tip number one if you ask your local movers. Everything starts with a good plan and as soon as you seal the deal, you should take a look around your new home and make a list of all the things that should be done in order for you to be able to move in the way you want to. As we mentioned, it is an important thing to have a moving strategy in this process and always have things under control. No matter if you hire local movers or you decide to move without the assistance of professional movers, you are still the one who has to think not only about packing and moving but also about all the details that are going to make this process successful, such as preparing a new home, cleaning the old one, handling utilities, etc.

By making a moving checklist for preparing your new home, as well as one ultimate moving checklist that will include all the tasks that you have to deal with, from finding the right local movers to arranging furniture around the new home, you are going to stay organized during the entire process and you will be able to pay attention to all the things. Our local movers agree that the best way to achieve complete success in every aspect of your local move is to create the ultimate moving checklist. Inside your checklist, you should write down all the things which you need to manage in this process. On the other hand, you should create a special category in which you are going to define what things you should do in order to prepare your house before you move in. In this way, you are going to have a clear image and you can be organized better for your process.

Visit your new home as early as you can

Happy couple is taking keys from their new house from broker and smiling. Hands of estate agent giving keys to the couple. The agent handed the keys a young couple. Moving in

We will try to make this concise when it comes to our tips since our local movers say that there is no time to waste and if you have already signed the contract and got the new home you should start preparing now. When we say preparing we mean polishing every little detail in your new home in order to prepare it for the moment when your local movers unload the moving trucks and your new life finally begins with all your items arranged around the new place.

Our local movers recommend that you start by going to your new house earlier. Once you have bought your house, you should go earlier and make a plan of how you are going to decorate it. For example, in which part of a house you are going to put furniture, wardrobes and other similar items. This will make things much easier and it will also give you something to dream about while you handle the more boring things such as packing. Also, when your local movers arrive, you can let them know which items they should put in which room. This will make the unpacking process a lot faster and easier. 

Finish all renovations before the moving day

The next thing that you should do is to see if you need to do some renovation. Look in what situation your new house is and see if you need to renovate it. This is an important thing because of your budget but also because it could completely ruin your plans on a moving day. When your local movers arrive at the address it will be too late to notice some details such as scratched floors, holes in the walls, etc., and having all your items arranged around the house will make renovation a lot more difficult. Not to mention that you should do everything there is to do in your new home before actually hiring local movers since you will not know the expenses might be too high for your budget. In that case, you can try to hire local movers to do only one part of your relocation, while you take care of the others.

Check how much space and how many items you have

Spacious rambler home interior with vaulted ceiling

You should also find out how much space you have inside your house in a timely manner. The size and space are the crucial things when you need to prepare your house before you move in, which is the thing that our local movers always emphasize. Not thinking about whether you can fit everything you own inside your new home will cause a lot of trouble when your local movers already arrive and unload the moving trucks. After your local movers leave, you will be left with a bunch of stuff that you don’t have a chance of arranging around the house without making a mess. In this way, by knowing how big your new home is, you will also know how to make the plan for every room and how much time you are going to need for cleaning it.

Don’t forget the paperwork

Finish paperwork during your relocation process, so you don’t have any troubles with it later. While the local movers are planning and preparing your belongings for relocation, you should find some time and use it to finish the paperwork. For example, changing the address, property rights, and other similar things. This will give you a sense of control and security and it will be great to know that when you move into your new home and your local movers leave, everything is taken care of and you are officially at your new address both physically and on paper.

paperwork Stacked files on isolated background

Get in touch with local movers to provide the best move

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We are talking about local movers all the time since we find it a logical step, but it is always good mentioning it too, in case this is your first move and you are still not familiar with who local movers are and how they can make your life so much easier during the process. Once you have a moving plan in place as well as your moving checklist, you can get started by searching the local movers in the area who you think would be suitable for your local move. You can call the local movers and schedule meetings with a few companies, as well as walk-throughs. They will help you arrange the move so that you have someone on-site to help you with everything you need.

Local movers can provide you with a variety of different services, so talking to them and hearing their opinion on what the services that you need are is the best thing you can do to make your move successful. Local movers will also provide you with all the advice you need when it comes to preparing your new home. 

Schedule a cleaning or do it by yourself

cleaning home before movig in

If someone else has lived in the place you plan to call home before you, chances are it will not be in “like new” condition when you arrive. Even those who go to the effort to clean up before moving out are bound to miss a few things. As local movers, we recommend you clean the house before move-in day so you don’t invest time and energy into moving an 800-pound king-sized bed into a room only to discover you have to take it back outside and have the carpets cleaned first. On the other hand, if you live nearby or you want to save some money, you can try to clean the place on your own. If you are moving from hundreds of miles away or simply don’t have the time, look for a professional cleaning service. It is a lot simpler to find the cleaning service than the local movers since it doesn’t matter so much who does the cleaning just so long as it gets done.

Declutter and consider which items are welcome at your new place

Keep in mind that you will not be able to put all your items inside a house and even if you will, why would you want to do it? Starting the new phase of your life means that you should get rid of the old to make space for the new. Our local movers recommend that before your furniture movers arrive and our move takes place, you take some time to purge and get rid of everything that you don’t need. You need to make a selection of which items you are going to relocate with you. A good idea is to relocate only the items which you are going to use for sure, even if it seems like you are getting rid of too many items, your space will be much clearer and brighter.

When you make a selection, now you need to have a packing organization. If you are hiring local movers to handle your packing, it is not something that you have to worry about, but if not, make sure that you learned everything there is to know about the way you should pack your belongings, and also, that you have good and enough packing supplies. Use these packing materials in order to secure your items. For example, you can use bubble wrap, egg cartons, packing tapes, packing markers, and other similar materials.

If you follow these steps, your home will be completely ready for the moving day long before your local movers come to your doorstep. Knowing that your new life will start on the right foot will make the whole process a lot less stressful and overwhelming. If you are looking for local movers who will provide you with flawless service, but at the same time, they are budget movers who will do everything to save your time and money, you are at the right place. Get in touch with Austin Movers Pro and let our local movers handle your relocation while you prepare the new home. We promise we will be a great team!

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